New Cylinder Head with Seats And Valve Guides Fits John Deere M MT M 40 320 330
One New Aftermarket Replacement Cylinder Head with Seats and Valve Guides that Fits John Deere Tractor Models M, MT, MC, 40, 320 330 NOTE The valve seats must be final machined and the guides must be reamed to fit the valve stemsbppfont colorff0010 faceArial size2bDoes not include valves, springs or studsbfontppfont size2 faceArialbi styleACTUAL PHOTO OF HEAD ibfontppfont size2 faceArialspan stylefontfamily Arial,Helvetica,sansserifbbspanfontpbpbbpbpfont faceArialfont size2bReplaces Part Numberb AM239T, Casting Numbers M56T, M1768Tfontfontp.