Colors are available individually or in a variety of convenient fan-folded assortments. Or, add glue to the water to hold specific shapes in place and create magnificent, multilayered effects.Wet with a brush and wash beautiful, translucent color on to the paper. It is available in many stunning colors and White to inspire creativity.
. 180 Days of Social Studies for First Grade provides teachers and parents with 180 days of daily practice to build students' social studies content-area literacy.
The construction of our Hampton series is as strong as they come, with metal corner brackets that provide additional support and joints that are first epoxy glued, and then screwed.
You won't find a higher quality stool on the market. The cushion seats are of the highest quality as well, utilizing a breathable, commercial grade vinyl or fabric. The wood seats are 1 1/4 inch solid hardwood (oak or maple) and are dished for amazing posterior comfort, making sitting for minutes or hours a pleasure.The frame is made from commercial quality 16 gauge, 1 1/4 inch tube steel with solid mig welded joints to guarantee strength and durability.