Lever trims 510L:510L510L-NL510L-DT510L-BELever designs:Avalon AVAProjection 3 1/4''Broadway BRWProjection 3 1/5''Latitude LATProjection 3 1/10''Quantum QUAProjection 3 1/4''Boardwalk BRKProjection 3 1/5''Longitude LONProjection 3 1/10''Dane DANProjection 3''Danish DSHProjection 2 9/10''Sutro SUTProjection 3 1/4''Features:All levers return to within 1/2'' of door.25 Series Pull Trim-Dummy Dark Bronze Painted 510L25 Series Trim designsFunctionality built into the trim, facilitating easy door preps, easy field retrofit and easy ordering.