Ranging from vintage camera equipment to sophisticated medical testing equipment, Exell Batteries can meet the needs of all consumers.The A221/505A (Eveready 505 or NEDA 221) is an Alkaline replacement for the once-popular Zinc Chloride battery that was commonly used in AVO meters and flash units.
505, EVEREADY 221 NEDIA 221, EVEREADY 505, EVEREADY BA333/U, EVEREADY M505 22.5VÃ⢠Amperage: 60mAhÃ⢠Height: 50.9 mmAlso Known As: 15F15, 15LR54, 221, 221A, 333/U, 505, 505A, 505E/B, 75, A221, A505, B155, BA333U, BL-MV15, BLR155, DRY1715, E505 EV505, M505, MV15E, NR75, VS705, W15, Y-15, Y15â¢FOR USE WITH: Vintage collectible transistor radios and in flash units, such as the Bolsen Flash Unit, the Ricoh 500 Flash Unit and the Kodak Brownie Flashholder 4 Flash Unitâ¢REPLACES: 15F15, 15LR54, 221, 221A, 333/U, 505, 505A, 505E/B, 75, A221, A505, B155, BA333U, BL-MV15, BLR155, DRY1715, E505 EV505, M505, MV15E, NR75, VS705, W15, Y-15, Y15, Exell 505, EVEREADY 15F15 NO.