One New Aftermarket Replacement Hitachi Excavator EX60 Decal Set, with Landy Excellent Excavator and ELLE Decalspp styletextalign leftbbNote Click on the picture to get a FULL view of the Decal Setbbpbb p styletextalign leftDecal colors will be just like the OEM colors in the picturep p styletextalign leftuPLEASE NOTE THE DECALS YOU WILL RECEIVE ARE WHAT IS SHOWNupbbppp styletextalign leftb stylefontweight boldReplaces Part Number bHTEX603DECALSETpppcenter.
One New Aftermarket Replacement Hitachi Excavator EX60 Decal Set, with Landy Excellent Excavator and ELLE Decalspp styletextalign leftbbNote Click on the picture to get a FULL view of the Decal Setbbpbb p styletextalign leftDecal colors will be just like the OEM colors in the picturep p styletextalign leftuPLEASE NOTE THE DECALS YOU WILL RECEIVE ARE WHAT IS SHOWNupbbppp styletextalign leftb stylefontweight boldReplaces Part Number bHTEX603DECALSETpppcenter.