He received his art training at Accademia Albertina, in Turin, which was founded in 1672, at the special request of the King.
Beginning with Guido�s first exhibition at the Ars Plauda Gallery in Turin, Italy in 1969, he has continued to have exhibitions around the world in Catania, Uruguay, Holland, Egypt, United Kingdom, Malta, Norway, Germany, United States, Spain, USSR, Bulgaria, France, Poland, Costa Rica, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Japan. Born into an artistic family, (his grandfather was a woodcarver and furniture maker, and his paternal uncle and aunt paint) young Guido first discovered painting somewhere between the ages of 4 to 6 years old. Artist Guido Borelli da Caluso was born in 1952, in Caluso, Italy at the foothills of the Italian Alps. In addition to these rotating exhibitions, he has permanent exhibitions at Robert Paul Gallery Gallery in Stowe, Vermont Galleria Bella in New Orleans, LA, Galerie Art Passion in St.