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Auto Shutoff Gas Can 6Gl

About The . Whether you're filling a lawnmower,; snowblower or ATV, Midwest Can provides for a safe fuel storage and easy pouring where you want and when you want. Our wide base and lower center of gravity reduces the chance of a can tipping over. If it does our cans are made of durable HDPE and our spouts close automatically with an airtight seal

Midwest Can has designed a portfolio of superiorly designed Flame Shield portable fuel cans with compliant spouts. Whether you're filling a lawnmower,; snowblower or ATV, Midwest Can provides for a safe fuel storage and easy pouring where you want and when you want. Our wide base and lower center of gravity reduces the chance of a can tipping over. If it does our cans are made of durable HDPE and our spouts close automatically with an airtight seal.

Facility & Worksite Safety,Safety Storage,Safety Cans

Auto Shutoff Gas Can 6Gl

Facility & Worksite Safety,Safety Storage,Safety Cans

Specifications of Auto Shutoff Gas Can 6Gl


Last Updated

Auto Shutoff Gas Can 6Gl
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Rating :- 8.29 /10
Votes :- 1433